The Clear Brook Band Booster Club (CBBBC) seeks to support the Clear Brook Band by providing:
Fundraising to pay expenses not covered by the district or school
Communications among the director, students, and parents via the website, Band Notes (emails), and BAND app
A physical presence to help cheer for the band, maintain the uniforms, chaperone at games and contests, hand out refreshments, move band equipment and supply other needs as they arise.
Booster Club Officers
President: Catherine Overcash
1st Vice President: Rebecca Torres
2nd Vice President: Sam Attanasio
Treasurer: Erin Pitcher
Secretary: Elizabeth Edison
Functional Roles
Alumni Coordinator: Susie Wadle
Memory Book: Melissa Campbell
Videographer: Mark Keehn
Photographer: Rachel Keehn
Photographer: Kenneth Ransom
Website: Liz Schreiter
Band Council Liaison: Rebecca Torres
Color/Winter Guard Liaison: Jeni Russell
Drumline Liaison: Jenifer Treadway
Freshmen Liaison: Jessica Carrion
Band Aides: Matt Carrion
Chaperones: Lauren Honeycutt and Melissa Campbell
Fall Dinner: Jenifer Treadway and Jessica Carrion
Family Social: Monica Straight and Mike Straight
CCISD Hosted Contests: Melissa Campbell and Sam Attanasio
Fundraising Coordinator: Roger Torres
Corporate Sponsorship:Andy Guerrero
FanPledge: Catherine Overcash
Mattress Sale: Catherine Overcash
Food Fair: Lauren Honeycutt
Holiday Market: Rebecca Torres
Profit Share (restaurants): Roger Torres
Raise Right: Sam Attanasio
Equip. Truck Drivers: Jeff Johnson
Game Drinks: Adam Lauchner
Spirit Wear/Promotional Items: Liz Schreiter
Props Construction: Jeff Johnson
Travel Meals: Yael Calili and Dolly Ramot
Senior Scholarship: TBD
Uniforms: Catherine Overcash and Kristeena Makela
Equipment: Catherine Overcash
Flip Folder: Mayra Yawn
Uniform Washing: Kristeena Makela