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Well, another marching season has come and gone. Time really does fly by during marching season! Now is the time to get used to a calmer pace. October is such a busy month and it always seems so strange when so much of the band activity just suddenly stops.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that only a little over three months has passed since summer band started. Believe us, by the time May comes around and the directors start sharing what they are planning for next year, the exhaustive schedule of the last few months will be a distant memory and we will all be looking forward to a new show and new challenges. So, now that marching season is over, what’s next?  Concert Season!

  • Fall Dinner

    • The Band will usually have a Fall Dinner in the Commons to celebrate the end of Marching Season. See the calendar for the date. Tickets will be sold through the Booster Club as we get closer to the date. 

  • Winter Programs

    • Auditions for Winter Drumline and Winter Guard will be shortly after Marching Season ends. 

    • Both programs are indoor, and end in April. All rehearsals are after school, with contests on the weekend. 

    • Please note that Winter Programs will incur additional fees.

  • Concert Season - Winter

    • Region auditions!  Participation is required for students in the Wind Ensemble and optional (but encouraged!) for the other bands.  Many students choose to challenge themselves and audition since they have been working on their Region music throughout the marching season. Region auditions are in the beginning of December. In high school some instruments are on Friday night and larger instrument groups are on Saturday. Instruments that have a Phase 2 will continue on Monday evening. 

    • The Winter Concert has all bands performing separately on the stage in the auditorium. Watch the weekly band notes for dates and times of upcoming rehearsals after school to prepare for this concert. Dress for the Winter Concert is usually Sunday best. 


Concert Season - Spring 

UIL! - For Pre-UIL and UIL, students wear school-owned uniforms. However, the boys need a white tuxedo shirt to wear with their jacket and pants. Al’s Formal Wear offers a discount to Clear Brook Band members. Black socks and dress shoes are also needed for all. The girl’s uniform is a full length black satin dress. Girls will need a pair of closed toed, all black dress shoes to wear with their uniform. Flats or Heels are ok. The back of the girls’ dresses is open on top, so they will need to wear a traditional or strapless bra, not a razorback or sports bra. 

The UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest will be in mid-late April. At some point prior to this, the band directors will start after school section rehearsals. Those dates and times will also be posted in the weekly band notes and on the band calendar.

There will also be a final Spring concert (much like the Winter Concert) to close out the year. Dress for the Spring concert is usually Sunday best. 

​​Final Thoughts…

We understand this is a LOT to take in! At any time, ask any questions you might have! We were all Freshman parents at one point, and we all had questions. 

  • The chat in the Parent BAND App is a great place to ask questions that other parents and the Booster Officers can answer. 

  • Make sure you read Band Notes every week, all the way to the end!

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