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Getting Started

Kick-off Parent Meeting

The Kick-Off meeting is usually held in mid-May for all incoming parents. Your student will receive a packet of paperwork at this meeting. This is a very important meeting so make plans to attend! If you are unable to attend the packet will be sent to your student’s intermediate school to come home. In this meeting, the directors will discuss uniform basics, costs & fees, general information and volunteer opportunities. This is also an opportunity to meet the band directors, color guard director, officers, and chairpersons from the Clear Brook Band Booster Club (CBBBC). We know from experience that getting involved in the organization’s Booster Club truly benefits your child. This is a very active band and it takes many hands to make it possible.

Communication Tools

Every Sunday, an email titled “Brook Band Notes'' will be sent. It includes important weekly announcements such as schedules, notes, and important information from the band directors and booster club committees. It is through this email that information gets sent to all of the parents and students. The email is from so please make sure this address is not going to your junk or spam folder.

The best source for planning your schedule is the website calendar. There may be some occasional changes, but it is a good indication of what your schedule will be.


Speaking of communication, in addition to email, Brook Band uses the BAND App to relay important information. 

Students AND Parents: Join this group for announcements, itineraries, and other information from the directors. Ex: “Buses are headed back to Brook from the football game. ETA at school is 9:45 pm.”

Parents ONLY: Join this group for asking general questions, volunteer opportunities/coordination, etc.


Show Shirt

Every year, the band directors design a logo with the current year’s marching show theme.  After that, there is spirit wear (shirts, hoodies, etc) sold with the logo. Lots of parents, siblings, grandparents, and friends enjoy wearing these items to competitions as a sign of support for their students and the band program. During Band Registration in May, you can place an order for these items. 

Money: What am I paying for?

There is a fee for high school band. Exact costs vary from year to year. Below is a summary of fees and equipment.

Fair Share fee:

  • Payable to Clear Brook High School

  • This fee covers such things like licensing for music, marching show design, marching and concert clinicians, buses to games/competitions, contest entry fees (marching and concert), etc. 

  • A minimum financial commitment of $200 is due at Band Registration in May. The fee can be paid in full at registration or in the fall in installments after the initial commitment fee. Please see the Band Handbook for more information regarding fees.​


Equipment Cost:

  • Payable to Clear Brook Band Booster Club

  • The first year in high school band can be higher than future years because all your equipment needs to be purchased. As long as shoes, bags, etc are kept in good condition, these may need to be re-purchased each year.


Instrument fee:

  • This fee is for some instruments (French Horn, Tuba, Percussion, etc) that students take home for the year. This fee is paid to CCISD.



  • Booster club membership is not required, but highly encouraged. Volunteering (not required to be a booster member but it’s also encouraged) helps support the band in many areas: chaperones, band aides, props construction, uniforms, game drinks, lunch sales, etc. It takes many hands to help the program run as smoothly as it does. Get involved, meet great people and support your student! 


Spirit Wear: 

  • Each year, there is a logo designed for the show.  The logo is on the student’s show shirt, which is part of their uniform. The spirit wear shirt has the same logo on the front and the back of the shirt lists all the marching band students’ names. 

  • ​​If your family joins the booster club at the Fortissimo level, you receive one complimentary show shirt.


Registration: Where it all begins!

You need to bring all of the completed forms from the packet you received at the parent meeting to register. Don’t forget to have your student sign where indicated.


The times are staggered for the registration process to help move things along faster. If you have a conflict on the day or time listed, you may come at another time during the day.

The registration process is broken down into several “stations”

  • Welcome Table: The majority of your paperwork will be turned in here.

  • Uniform Fittings (separate tables for band and color guard members): Fittings for shoes, gloves, shirts, etc - it is very important the student attends registration to do these fittings

  • Booster Club Membership: There will be a form in your packet and turn in here. 

  • Booster Club Payments: Pay uniform/equipment costs, travel meals, and Booster Club membership here.

  • Fair Share Payments

    • This is where you pay your commitment fee (or more) towards the Fair Share fee

    • This can be done with cash or money order only and made payable to Clear Brook High School

  • Volunteers: Ask any questions about different volunteer opportunities

  • Brook Band Promotional Items: Spiritwear can be ordered at this station 


A pick-up day will be scheduled during the summer before full summer band begins. 

Freshman Camp

Freshman camp is attended by all incoming freshmen and the band student leadership team. Over these two days of camp, freshmen will learn basics such as how to step off, how to hold their horn while marching, and how to march backward. 

The directors will send emails regarding this, but make sure you send your student with a water bottle and that they wear good athletic shoes.

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